Monday, November 10, 2014

Becoming Like Him

This past General Conference was amazing for me. I didn't realize just how spiritually depleted I was until I listened to His servants. One very strong impression that I walked away with was that both my family and I needed to make a much more concerted effort to develop attributes of the Savior. While the answer for how to do this with my family came easier, for myself I spent more time pondering/praying and was reminded of Chapter 6 in Preach My Gospel, "How Do I Develop Christlike Attributes?" - just what I needed!

I took a very honest, at times painful, look at myself as I went through the Attribute Activity at the end of the chapter. I have a great deal of work to do, but I am excited to have a focused plan as I move forward.

The first attribute I am working on is Faith in Jesus Christ. Faith in Him is foundational and if I am lacking in faith the development of the other virtues really won't matter. At the moment I am working through defining faith and developing personal questions to answer as I study faith in greater depth. I am hoping to periodically check in here (the title of this blog is Becoming after all) about this great adventure I am embarking on, that of making a very honest, focused, personal, exceptionally imperfect, but sincere attempt to Become more like Him.

Would anyone like to join me?

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