Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy New Year - in February...

Happy New Year!

Yes, yes - I know it's February 1st. But for me today is the start of my new year.

I just love New Year's. I love quietly wrapping up Christmas and taking the last week of December to evaluate and reevaluate my direction and the direction of my family. I spend most of the week making long lists, which by December 31st I have fashioned into a compact list of goals for the New Year. It's such a time of renewal - have I mentioned that I just love it?

This year I missed out.

The majority of December and all of January was spent prepping for and undergoing our IVF treatment. I was so exhausted physically and mentally that I found myself living day to day. It was almost as if our family had entered crisis mode and wasn't able to plan for or process more then one day at a time. While at first I struggled with my inability to have any forethought, I quickly came to the realization that it was okay. There is a season for everything, and for those two months our family needed to focus on each individual day as it came. (Elder Christopherson came a marvelous talk on the concept, you can find it here.)

But thankfully, we have begun to pull out of crisis mode. The haze has begun to lift and the sunshine is pouring in again. And to celebrate - I have declared February 1st our family's New Year's Day!

So here's to a fresh start, a year of rejoicing and striving to come closer to the Savior.

Happy New Year from our family to yours!

Oh, and make sure you get your all important New Year's Kiss today...

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